
Legend has it I really only got into blogging to pass the hours from my lackluster stay abreast a seedy little love motel nestled in the bossomy mountains of South Korea. I began, and ended, my blogging stint inside those four walls.
And so begins a new journey- this time returning to Korea with direction and guidance, friends and associates, lovers and ex's, a kick ass band with gigs, and a further developed passion for the orient.
You might be sitting there, a little cautious of our first encounter and my unquestionable abandonment, and say " I dont know if I trust this young bucks committment"- and you have all the right to think that, and it might even happen again- but if you choose to say nay, thank you! you might miss out on the dirty goodness of my life, as it has so unfolded in the last year and a half, including such stories as; cocaine... what's that?: the town of a thousand whores: the police, two condoms and a handful of fireworks- and countless other untouchables like; Stabbed. No, thank you!: Its gonna cost me how much?: How to lose 22 lbs before labor day- dyssentry!-and many, many more like; 1 gig ='s 3 gals The old money miracle: I'm sorry officer, I don't understand what you're saying! and Ping Pong in Patpong
So if your looking for a bandwagon to jump on, grab your saddle and a nice diet soda and park your generalizingly overweight American backside infront of your generalizingly Asian computer and relive my life with me, Louis. God knows you will love it and I respect your choice in believing in your own god- dont forget that.
Updated perhaps daily,weekly,or whenifeellikey- so frequent my shreddin' blog to stay close and intouch with your most loveable, beloved, loverboy.
One love