
Legend has it I really only got into blogging to pass the hours from my lackluster stay abreast a seedy little love motel nestled in the bossomy mountains of South Korea. I began, and ended, my blogging stint inside those four walls.

And so begins a new journey- this time returning to Korea with direction and guidance, friends and associates, lovers and ex's, a kick ass band with gigs, and a further developed passion for the orient.

You might be sitting there, a little cautious of our first encounter and my unquestionable abandonment, and say " I dont know if I trust this young bucks committment"- and you have all the right to think that, and it might even happen again- but if you choose to say nay, thank you! you might miss out on the dirty goodness of my life, as it has so unfolded in the last year and a half, including such stories as; cocaine... what's that?: the town of a thousand whores: the police, two condoms and a handful of fireworks- and countless other untouchables like; Stabbed. No, thank you!: Its gonna cost me how much?: How to lose 22 lbs before labor day- dyssentry!-and many, many more like; 1 gig ='s 3 gals The old money miracle: I'm sorry officer, I don't understand what you're saying! and Ping Pong in Patpong

So if your looking for a bandwagon to jump on, grab your saddle and a nice diet soda and park your generalizingly overweight American backside infront of your generalizingly Asian computer and relive my life with me, Louis. God knows you will love it and I respect your choice in believing in your own god- dont forget that.

Updated perhaps daily,weekly,or whenifeellikey- so frequent my shreddin' blog to stay close and intouch with your most loveable, beloved, loverboy.

One love

Sunday, January 7, 2007

14 hours ahead of dundas... to early to teach

SOoooooo... my first day of teaching. I am not too nervous, more of an excitement. I have been giving 2 classes by now and they are the best of the best, I got a sweet hookup from S.J. the camp director cause i stayed at his house and he secretly gave me first pick before the other teachers got to choose. SO i have to teach my middle-2 students with the textbook BackPack 4 and my 6-3 students with the HipHip Hooray 5 textbook. My schedule is pretty solid, I teach 2 hours to each class starting at 9 and class ends 15 min to the hour, and they get lunch at 12-1, then i have a bunch of classes ranging from drama; acting out Snow White, newspaper( which are the 2 im doing right now with my homeroom M-2), arts and crafts and science. I have been given the subjects of teaching them reading and writing through the textbooks, while other teachers also do that to their students while others teach speaking and listening. Its a fricken new experience for me, but everyone has been a wicked help.

So... finally its 9 oclock and i walk into my first class. New faces, korean names and i am given to duty to name them. My dream but i choked, haha i let them come up with their own and some of them a couple already had them.

Kim Sun Jin- Macdonald; this kid loves soccer and me and the 3 boys go out and play everyday

Kim Sang Yeop-Tony: this kid loves hiphop so you can guess where he got his name from

Park Woo Jae- His name the first day was X, but then changed it to Harry: he is the shyest of the bunch

Kim Hye Won- Alice: one of the sweetest girls, i bought a hairclip off her for 500 won in a flea market

Kang Ji Hyun- Annie: this girl is the smartest of the group, but she is also really quite but seeming to warm up, shes always sleepy though, but the kids im sure dont get much sleep

Youn Jae Won- Sofia; this girl is an awesome artist which doesnt take away from other kids amazing ability but she stood out.( oh and you know those face covers that people wore when sars was going around, well she wears that thing everyday, not cause shes sick I just hear the air isnt the greatest)

Jeong Hyeon Ji-Say; this girl is real nice and friendly she bought me candy from the store the other day, its strawberry chews sooooo tasty, its pronounced 'mychew' but thats not how its spelt

Song Doo ry-Jane; this girl is smart like the others, but she seems like shes opening up more, its only been the first day

My boys are the 3 in the back (best pic I have of them so far) from my homeroom class Tony(left) Macdonald(right behind him whos face is kind of covered) and Harry ( the kid infront of hims finger is over is face)

So far the days been going well and i have moved onto the other class. This class i have 12 students and they are awesome, really really good kids. I cant get into all of them because THIS BLOG TAKES FOREVER and im so busy at it is.... but they are great kids ill get to them another time.
These are some of my girls from class 6-3: vivian left, olive middle and kate on the right!

Soback to my homeroom, we started drama and the class chose Snow White, so i organized roles for each student and we read over the screenplay once. Then the next class is Newspaper, where I have each student making a section ranging from; timetable,the play,introducing the boys and girls, sports, diary, a drawing of the whole class(Say is doing this and its amazing) and lastly a letter about the flea market that took place the first day which im getting too.... I know im writing the blog a couple days too late there is just so much stuff going on and im trying to explore. I am also going to write a section in the newspaper about the class and my experiences. Its going really well, each class does this and there are 11 classes with roughly 10 a class, meaning 100 students at the whole camp.

Everytime you walk down the halls their is atleast 50 korean kids yelling hello or something that is just so damn awesome. The building is actually really big so it helps.

We then held a flea market where students brought in goods ranging from hairpins and stuffed animals to key chains and egg candles and they had money and we tought them to haggle( so jewish) and actually bought goods from one another.

So this ended my first day and i came home to relax for 1 hour before going out with my korean teacher friend Nari, whos been all over Canada,U.S. and England; she actually had a Jewish friend visiting her so the three of us and 2 other teachers went out for some Korean food and i ordered the Mandu; meaning dumplings really really good and only 2300 won.

We then went to get some drinks and ended up in a korean bar where we were served complimentary carrots, radishes and 'bondaygee' which is a pre larvel silkworm taken out of its little cacoon and then boiled whole...ahhhhh it took me about 1 hour to get enough balls to finally toss it in my mouth and started chomping; oh it exploded everywhere BAHhhh the thought was horrible, but it didnt taste horrible! But it doesnt mean im going to keep ordering it, I had some beer and Soju to wash it down. Soju is a formented rice alcohol about 20% alcohol and sold at corner stores for about 1000 won a bottle the size of a coke. The koreans love this drink... and you can tell with them all hammered in the bars.

The bondaygee was a good ending to my night cause i have to wake up at 7 so i went back to my motel and wrote up a lil something to teach the kids the next day... looking forward

Heres to the mom and pops


Unknown said...

m enjoying your stories!
ah, there are some missing on the middle of this notes .
- 6-3 a girl on the right is not Kate but "Sue" ^


doink said...

wow... silkworm? maybe if i were drunk off that crazy rice booze.