
Legend has it I really only got into blogging to pass the hours from my lackluster stay abreast a seedy little love motel nestled in the bossomy mountains of South Korea. I began, and ended, my blogging stint inside those four walls.

And so begins a new journey- this time returning to Korea with direction and guidance, friends and associates, lovers and ex's, a kick ass band with gigs, and a further developed passion for the orient.

You might be sitting there, a little cautious of our first encounter and my unquestionable abandonment, and say " I dont know if I trust this young bucks committment"- and you have all the right to think that, and it might even happen again- but if you choose to say nay, thank you! you might miss out on the dirty goodness of my life, as it has so unfolded in the last year and a half, including such stories as; cocaine... what's that?: the town of a thousand whores: the police, two condoms and a handful of fireworks- and countless other untouchables like; Stabbed. No, thank you!: Its gonna cost me how much?: How to lose 22 lbs before labor day- dyssentry!-and many, many more like; 1 gig ='s 3 gals The old money miracle: I'm sorry officer, I don't understand what you're saying! and Ping Pong in Patpong

So if your looking for a bandwagon to jump on, grab your saddle and a nice diet soda and park your generalizingly overweight American backside infront of your generalizingly Asian computer and relive my life with me, Louis. God knows you will love it and I respect your choice in believing in your own god- dont forget that.

Updated perhaps daily,weekly,or whenifeellikey- so frequent my shreddin' blog to stay close and intouch with your most loveable, beloved, loverboy.

One love

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

MY CLEANING LADY IS COMING ONTO ME... unfortunately she cant read or write or speak english and she's in her 60's

So today I woke up to my cleaning lady in my room and she wanted to start cleaning. Luckily for her I was dressed, and in a half sleep I was like get out of here. NO NO, i dont need you to clean my room. So we had a friendly argument for a few minutes, before I got out of bed, walked to my front door and knocked on it myself, to show her that thats how you enter a room. You dont just walk in. Well atleast not in my culture, but there are always exceptions. Ahhhhh she finally understood so I shoed her on her way unfortunately I couldn't get back to sleep.


Unknown said...

So what really happened buddy, what did you do leave your door unlocked intentionally. Ha Ha just kidding must of freaked you out a little (A) any way sounds like you doing a great job keep up the good work. Your Mom and I are so proud of you. Oh before i forget so far so good ( knock on wood ) i haven't heard a word from you know who seeing it is Jan. 17th and she would cash my checks on the 15th every month. Maybe she is finally GONE FOR GOOD YIPPPEEEE!!! Have a great day Lou have to run talk to you latter to night seeing it's 6/30am here and i just got home a while ago.

Love Pops.

dog lover said...

hey lou, i really love to read your stuff. i wait for it. it's great.
i would let a cleaning person no matter what time or day they came.
your excursions sound so exciting. keep the blogs coming.
we're leaving for vegas sunday. it will be nice to get back there. are you staying in korea?
love ya, nandy sandy

Meagan said...

Hey Louis!
Just thought i'd send you a message to say hi. I hope things are going well. Looks like your having a great time there! Take care!!!

the mom said...

Hi Hon, love the blogs..look so forward to them, nana and papa send their love and can't wait to set up MSN when they get back from Puerto Rico just to correspond with you.......5 days til P.R. wish you were coming with me...Intercontinental, tacos across the street, margeritas down the street,hot dogs with potato sticks, casinos...I'll miss you!! The Mom

The (young) Aunt said...

no "shout out" to me?? whats up with that? i left a comment the first day AND drove you to the airport at 4 fuckin o'clock...ok love ya

the mom said...

a shout out to one of my fave sisters...the one who looks older..oh yeah, thanks for driving Louis to the airport at 4 fuckin o'clock in the you a lot