
Legend has it I really only got into blogging to pass the hours from my lackluster stay abreast a seedy little love motel nestled in the bossomy mountains of South Korea. I began, and ended, my blogging stint inside those four walls.

And so begins a new journey- this time returning to Korea with direction and guidance, friends and associates, lovers and ex's, a kick ass band with gigs, and a further developed passion for the orient.

You might be sitting there, a little cautious of our first encounter and my unquestionable abandonment, and say " I dont know if I trust this young bucks committment"- and you have all the right to think that, and it might even happen again- but if you choose to say nay, thank you! you might miss out on the dirty goodness of my life, as it has so unfolded in the last year and a half, including such stories as; cocaine... what's that?: the town of a thousand whores: the police, two condoms and a handful of fireworks- and countless other untouchables like; Stabbed. No, thank you!: Its gonna cost me how much?: How to lose 22 lbs before labor day- dyssentry!-and many, many more like; 1 gig ='s 3 gals The old money miracle: I'm sorry officer, I don't understand what you're saying! and Ping Pong in Patpong

So if your looking for a bandwagon to jump on, grab your saddle and a nice diet soda and park your generalizingly overweight American backside infront of your generalizingly Asian computer and relive my life with me, Louis. God knows you will love it and I respect your choice in believing in your own god- dont forget that.

Updated perhaps daily,weekly,or whenifeellikey- so frequent my shreddin' blog to stay close and intouch with your most loveable, beloved, loverboy.

One love

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Memories getting short; Too much going on everyday

Last night after school, George and I went to get a bite to eat and walked around the strip a bit. I ended up getting a pretty sweet new tie at a store called Hello Charlie; chaplin they are talking about.

So we end up in this alley and then walk down and even smaller one and find this restaurant that serves this pork soup. This was my first experience with a restaurant where you take off your shoes and sit cross legged on a matt on a raised floor. This entire restaurant was three tiny tables but the food was awesome. George ordered us some soup and about 7 side dishes came with it; rice,noodles,hot pepper paste,onions and jalepenos, whole mini shrimp eyes and everything(used for a salt taste cause the koreans dont use it while cooking), and a ginger paste and all of this was to mix in with the soup. It was really tasty and we made conversation with korean who gave us his business card and offered me a job to teach his employees english. This guy was really nice and used his english on us and we were able to hold a conversation, well 3/4 in korean but every bit helps. He was a manager at a shipping plant in a few locations in Yangsan district in South Korea. When he got up to leave he kissed my hand and put it to his forehead, but i cant forget to mention he also had 3 bottles of 'soju'.

Then we headed over for a korean soda at the place I went to where they served me the bondaygee(silkworm). We werent there for 10 minutes before this drunk Korean literally fell onto our table and then stayed and chatted with us for 20 minutes. SOoooo hammered, but histarical, I managed to snap a picture after he took my hat off my head. He wreaked of alcohol and garlic, great combo the picture doesnt do him justice. But obviously a great guy none the less.

Overall a good night, and i went back home to write a lil something for the class tommorow

heres to the mom and pops

1 comment:

doink said...

haha! this place sounds great